Winter Expression Photo Invitation Registration
Winter Expression Photo Invitation Overview
This Manitoba Winter Expression Photo Invitation (winter activity or scenic photo) is open to anyone to participate in from February 18 to March 5, 2023. There is no registration fee to participate and only one photo submission that was captured in Manitoba in 2023 is permitted per participant. The Top 10 Photos as selected by the Gimli Ice Festival from all submissions received will receive a “Top 10 Winter Expression Photo” Festival Medal that will be sent within 30 days of completing this activity.
Registration Procedure
To participate simply complete the registration form and then click on SEND anytime during the participation period, February 18th to March 5th.
How To Report Your Winter Expression Photo Submission
Once you’ve selected your Winter Expression Photo, simply click on the “Entry Reporting” tab for this activity. You’ll be reporting by email that will go directly to the festival administration. All you need to do is provide your name as was registered for this activity, the location that your photo was taken, and attach your selected Winter Expression Photo (JPEG).
Any photo submitted may be posted on the festival’s website or other festival social media platforms. Additionally, the names of the photographers whose photo submitted were one of the Top 10 Photos selected by the Gimli Ice Festival, may be publicized along with their photo. No photos submitted will be used by the festival for any financial benefit, nor does the festival retain any exclusive rights to these photos.
The reporting and photo submission deadline is March 5, 2023 (midnight)